Trends in US Exports of LNG, Liquefied Propane, Ethane, and Butane

Through July, 2024, the United States exported 53.1 million tons of LNG, up 2% from the same period in the prior year. The US also exported large volumes of other gases, some of which are produced during natural gas processing: 28.5 million tons of liquefied propane gas, up 10%, 5.8 million tons of liquefied ethane, down 3%, and 4.8 million tons of liquefied butane gas, down 2%.The US Energy Information Agency says that five new LNG export projects are under construction in the US, with shipments from two projects lilkely to begin at the end of 2024.

The generally upward trend in US exports of LNG is clarified in the graph below. United States LNG shipments set a record in December 2023, then slowed. Export destinations shifted over the January to July period, with shipments to Netherlands, France, UK, Spain and Italy down from July 2023 YTD, partly due to milder weather early in the year, increased output from renewals and weak economic conditions. Demand in Asia, however, was strong, with higher volumes shipped to Japan, South Korea, India and China, among others.

US exports of liquefied propane gas also peaked in December 2023, then eased. Japan was the top export destination with 7.9 million tons through July, up 11%. China followed, with a strong gain of 38% on 4.7 million tons. Also notable were sharply higher shipments to Indonesia, Singapore and Brazil.

US exports of ethane peaked in January 2024, slowed, then climbed. China was the top destination with 2.7 millions, down 3%, ethane used mainly for polyethylene manufacture.

US exports of liquefied butane did not show the general upward trend of the other gases. Morocco was the top destination, the 889,000 tons shipped unchanged from the prior year. China, however, was a leading growth export destination with 528,000 tons, up 44%.

From International Trader Publications’ World Trade Analyses on LNG, liquefied propane gas, liquefied butane gas and ethane.