Tag Archives: HDPE

Advanced Look at Western Europe’s HDPE Polymer Imports

Although Eurostat statistics for polymers and other products are published three months after the trade month, an earlier view of import demand and the impact of shipping disruptions in the Red Sea can be obtained from trading partner export statistics.

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Trends in Polyolefin Polymer Trade in Western Europe in 2023

Polyolefin polymer demand in Western Europe in 2023 is measurable in part from the region’s intra-regional trade, its imports from other regions, and its exports to other regions. Lower intra-regional trade and lower imports indicate a drop in demand from one year to the next. These were evident in 2023 versus 2022 for LDPE, linear PE, HDPE, and PP homopolymer. Lower polymer demand in a region is also usually associated with an increase in a region’s exports, if conditions make this possible. Western Europe’s exports of HDPE did increase in 2023, but shipments of other polymers were constrained by low demand in other regions and surging exports from North America.

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Trends in Polyethylene Global Trade

The volume of polyethylene traded globally expanded strongly from 2013 through 2019 but then slowed and, in 2021 and 2022, contracted.

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Vietnam is a Major Importer of Many Polymers, Chemicals and Related Products

Polyolefins, PTA, liquefied propane gas, soda ash, PVC, MEG, PET and methanol were leading imports, with sizable volumes also of recyclable PE, ABS, polycarbonates and caustic soda.

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China Reported Lower Imports of Most Major Polymers and Chemicals Through September, 2022

Of fifteen large volume imports, each exceeding 1 million tons, imports of only three products were up September 2022 YTD from the same period in 2021.

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US Exports of Ethylene Polymers August 2022 YTD Were 20% Higher Than August 2021 YTD but the Relative Distribution by Region Remained Almost Unchanged

The United States reported exports of 7.45 million tons of ethylene polymers through August, 2022, up 20% from the same period in 2021. Exports increased to every region but there were minor changes in each region’s percent of total.

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Ukraine’s Exports Remained Depressed Through May, 2022, but Imports of Key Chemical Products Picked Up.

The start of the war in February, 2022, severely impacted Ukraine’s trade in chemical and other products. While export volumes remained depressed, imports of many products into Ukraine picked up in May, although not to pre-war levels.

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United States Exports of Ethylene Polymers in January 2022 Were at Their Highest Level in 10 Months

Despite the rise, shipments were still 20% below the record high volumes exported in January 2021. There was also a marked change in export destinations by region between the two periods.

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