China Exports Record Volumes of Polypropylene

China’s exports of polypropylene homopolymer surged to a new high in March 2017 and continued heavy in April.

Export volume hit 40,000 tons in March, slowing to 34,000 tons in April. Year to date through April volume totaled 103,000 tons, up 37% from the prior year.

Viet Nam and Hong Kong were top volume markets YTD, followed by Thailand and numerous smaller volume destinations.

Imports of homopolymer, which are much larger than exports, surged in the first quarter but dropped off in April. Volume April YTD was 1.2 million tons, up 24%. Similarly, imports of copolymers rose to record levels in March and fell sharply in April. Volume April YTD was 0.6 million tons, up 27%.

From International Trader Publications’: Polypropylene World Trade Report