Reduced Polypropylene Exports from the Middle East Shift Global Trade Flows

Middle East exports of polypropylene homopolymer have been down since February 2013, with lower shipments to Asia-Pacific, Western and Eastern Europe and Africa. Other trends evident in the first half of the year were expanded trade within the Asia-Pacific region and substantially higher imports into Eastern Europe from other regions.  Continue reading

PET Exports from China Soar to a New High

China’s exports of PET polymer, most of which is bottle-grade, reached a new record in July, 2013 of 217,000 tons. Shipments to all world regions increased, with the heaviest volumes exported to Asia-Pacific, Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America. Continue reading

Polyacetals Global Trade Volume Rises

The amount of polyacetals polymer traded globally as imports and exports was particularly heavy from March through June of 2013. Expanded trade within the Asia-Pacific region and substantially higher imports into that region from Western Europe contributed to the rise in volume. Continue reading