Tag Archives: propylene copolymers

2019 – the Baseline Year Before Covid-19

2019 was a particularly important year as a baseline because it showed trends that were evolving globally before massive dislocations from Covid-19.

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Small Drop in China’s Tariffs on Polymer Imports from US

As of February 14, 2020, China will knock 2.5% off the punitive tariffs applied on imports of many polymers from the US. Most of the tariffs have been in effect since 2018.

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Global Trade Projected up 6%-9% in 2019 for Polyethylene; Down Slightly for Polypropylene

Latest import/export statistics from all available countries indicate strong growth in global trade volume for polyethylene by year end 2019 but a contraction for polypropylene. Because global trade is driven by global demand, the trend in world trade volume generally indicates the trend in world demand.

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US Imports of Propylene Polymers Climb as Exports Drop

The US imported 577,000 tons of propylene polymers through October, 2018, up 39% from the same period in 2017. US exports of these polymers were down 13% through October, to 1.5 million tons.

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Strong Start to China’s Polymer Trade in January 2017

Although volumes are expected to drop in February, imports in January 2017 of LLDPE, HDPE, EVA, polypropylene, propylene copolymers all were up substantially from January 2016. Imports of recycle PE, PP and also PET posted gains. Shipments of fabricated plastic products remained at record levels for the third month in a row.  Continue reading

China’s Trade June 2016 YTD: Generally Lower Imports; Big Gains on Some Exports

China’s imports of most polymers and chemical were lower in the first half of 2016 than in the same period in the prior year. Exceptions were imports of: ethylene, EVA, propylene oxide and, especially, methanol. China’s exports of PVC, polypropylene, PTA, VAM and non-expandable polystyene surged. Shipments of polyethylene also were up. Continue reading

Propylene Copolymers Global Trade Trends

Large volumes of both propylene copolymers and polypropylene homopolymer are traded globally. In 2015, propylene copolymer trade totaled 8.4 million tons, up 5%. This compared with 17.3 million tons of polypropylene homopolymer trade, up 3%.

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