Global Trade in Polypropylene was 29 Million Tons in 2017

Based on statistics from 75 countries, polypropylene homopolymer trade was 19.7 million tons of the 29 million ton total, up 4%; propylene copolymers trade was 9.6 million tons, also up 4%.

Leading importing regions: imports into Asia-Pacific of both grades from sources outside the region totaled over 4 million tons;  Eastern Europe imported 3.6 million tons; Western Europe, 1.75 million tons.

Leading exporting regions: exports from Western Europe of both grades to destinations outside the region totaled 2.5 million tons; shipments out of the Middle East were 6 million tons; out of Asia-Pacific, 1.6 million tons.

North America exported 1.3 million tons, up 26%.

From International Trader Publications’ Polypropylene World Trade Report, and, Propylene Copolymers World Trade Report.