Low MEG Imports Into China Impact Trade Flows Globally

Unusually low imports of monoethylene glycol into China early in 2016 were reflected in trade flows globally, especially exports out of the Middle East and from Asia-Pacific suppliers. Global volume of 8.1 million tons through August was down 11%, despite strong demand in several other markets.

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Butadiene Exports from Europe Up Sharply, United States and Mexico Top Destinations

Western Europe exported well over 200,000 tons of butadiene through June 2016, up 60% from the prior year. The United States, Mexico, South Korea and China were leading destinations, followed by Poland and Czech Republic.

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Record Exports of Polymers from China

An important trend since March 2016 has been record exports of polymers from China. Exports of PVC surged in March and continued high through August, as did exports of PET. Shipments of polyolefins were heavy from March through June/July, but slowed in August.

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Mexico’s Polyethylene Trade

Mexico’s exports of HDPE rose sharply in the second quarter of 2016, while exports of L/LLDPE continued a gradual upward trend. Imports of both polymers also trended higher.  Major shifts in imports and exports are expected as Braskem Idesa’s new plant ramps up.  Continue reading