Tag Archives: Latin America

Polyurethanes Global Trade Volume Continues to Expand

Indicating growing demand, the volume of polyurethanes traded globally through September 2014, over 1 million tons, was up 4% versus the prior year based on preliminary data.  Global trade volume increased 3% in 2013 versus 2012 and 5% in 2012 versus 2011.  Continue reading

Propylene World Trade Survey of Major Trends August 2014 YTD

The volume of propylene monomer traded globally through August 2014 was down 2% from the prior year. The decline reflected, among other factors, reduced trade within Western Europe, further declines on exports from the Middle East to Asia-Pacific, and a sharp drop in North America’s exports to Latin America. Continue reading

Methanol World Trade Survery of Major Trends July 2014 YTD

Prominent trends year to date included lower Middle East exports to Asia-Pacific but a shift to higher volumes to Western Europe; increased imports into Western Europe also from Eastern Europe and Latin America; a strong upward trend in imports into China from April through July. Continue reading

Paraxylene World Trade Survey of Major Trends July 2014 YTD

Prominent trends year to date included increased exports of paraxylene from both the Middle East and Western Europe to Asia-Pacific; much lower exports from North America to Asia-Pacific but increased volumes to Latin America. Continue reading

China’s PET exports total 1.4 million tons through July 2014, up 21% on big gains to Japan, Russia, US, India and others

China exported PET at record levels from March through May of 2014, shipments easing moderately in June and July. Nearly all of this was bottle-grade polymer. After falling for several months, the average export price picked up slightly in July, to $1267/ton. Continue reading

Higher Polyacetals Imports Into China and Singapore in 2013

A 12% increase in polyacetals imports into China and a 25% increase on smaller volumes into Singapore were factors in the 7% expansion in global trade volume in 2013. Trends in global trade for widely traded products are an indicator of global demand. Continue reading