Tag Archives: Saudi Arabia

Low MEG Imports Into China Impact Trade Flows Globally

Unusually low imports of monoethylene glycol into China early in 2016 were reflected in trade flows globally, especially exports out of the Middle East and from Asia-Pacific suppliers. Global volume of 8.1 million tons through August was down 11%, despite strong demand in several other markets.

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China’s Commodity Polymer Trade Rebounds

March 2016 statistics show a rebound in China’s imports of both virgin and recycle commodity polymers. China’s exports of commodity polymers hit a record high.

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China’s Polyolefins Trade in 2015

China ended 2015 with imports of polyolefins up 10% from 2014. Imports of HDPE and EVA were particularly strong, up 12% and 27%, respectively.  In addition to higher volumes from the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, supplies from North America and Latin America rose sharply.

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P-Xylene: Current Global Trade Trends

In 2014, global trade in para-xylene totaled 15.8 million tons, up 2% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was up 12% from the same period in 2014, based on reporting countries. Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.

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Polyethylene Sheets and Other Flat Products: Current Global Trade Trends

In 2014, global trade in polyethylene sheets and other flat products (film, foil and strip) totaled 4.4 million tons, up 2% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was up 3% from the same period in the prior year, based on reporting countries. Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.

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PVC Floor and Wall Coverings: Current Global Trade Trends

Nearly 3 million tons of flooring and wall coverings made from PVC were traded globally in 2014, up 11% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was flat with last year, based on reporting countries.  Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.    Continue reading