Trends in Western Europe’s Imports of Polyethylene in 2019

Imports of linear low density polyethylene into Western Europe from North America are projected to nearly equal the region’s imports from the Middle East by year end 2019, based on latest available statistics from 90 countries. Imports of HDPE from North America are trending sharply higher. Imports of both LLDPE and HDPE from the Middle East declined in 2018 and are projected down in 2019.

Since 2017, there has been a strong upward trend in imports from North America (nearly all from the United States) of linear low density polyethylene, including ethylene-alpha-olefin copolymers. During that period, imports from the Middle East (nearly all from Saudi Arabia, with small volumes from Qatar, UAE and Kuwait) have trended downward.

Similarly, there has been a strong upward trend in Western Europe’s imports of HDPE from North America (US) and declining imports from the Middle East (mainly Saudi Arabia, with sizable volumes also from Qatar).

By Jean J. Sudol and Christiana Fierro. Data from International Trader Publications World Trade Reports on LLDPE/Ethylene-alpha-Olefin Copolymer, and HDPE, providing continuously updated analysis of global trade.