Tag Archives: Indonesia

New: Liquefied Butanes Gas World Trade Report

This new Report tracks the movement of liquefied butanes between all importing and exporting countries and regions. In 2016, trade volume was 35 million tons, up 1% from 2015. Preliminary data shows volume March 2017 YTD up 6%. Continue reading

Record Exports of Polymers from China

An important trend since March 2016 has been record exports of polymers from China. Exports of PVC surged in March and continued high through August, as did exports of PET. Shipments of polyolefins were heavy from March through June/July, but slowed in August.

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P-Xylene: Current Global Trade Trends

In 2014, global trade in para-xylene totaled 15.8 million tons, up 2% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was up 12% from the same period in 2014, based on reporting countries. Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.

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Polyethylene Sheets and Other Flat Products: Current Global Trade Trends

In 2014, global trade in polyethylene sheets and other flat products (film, foil and strip) totaled 4.4 million tons, up 2% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was up 3% from the same period in the prior year, based on reporting countries. Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.

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Recycle Polyethylene: Current Global Trade Trends

In 2014, global trade in recycle polyethylene totaled 6.6 million tons, up 23%. Trade volume through June of 2015 was 2.6 million tons, down 13%, based on reporting countries. Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.

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Polyethylene Bags, Sacks and Cones: Current Global Trade Trends

In 2014, global trade in fabricated products made from polyethylene into bags, sacks and cones totaled 3.7 million tons, up 1% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was also up 1% from last year, based on reporting countries. Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.

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Western Europe’s PET Imports from Asia-Pacific Up Over 40% YTD; More Polymer Also From Africa

Western Europe imported nearly 340,000 tons of PET polymer from Asia-Pacific through September, up 43%, based on reporting countries. This volume exceeded imports from Eastern Europe of 330,000 ton through that date, up 2%. Also of note were large percentage gains on smaller volume imports into Western Europe from Africa.

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