Tag Archives: Recyclable Polyethylene

Trends in Recyclable Polyethylene in 2023

Global trade volume in recyclable polyethylene polymer in 2023 dropped 2% from 2022, to 3.0 million tons, indicating weaker global demand. Key trends included lower intra-regional trade in Western Europe and Asia-Pacific, lower imports into Western Europe and a surge in imports into Asia-Pacific on material sourced mainly from Western Europe and North America. Average prices steadied in the second half of 2023 at low levels.

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Understanding Global Trade in Recyclable PE, Styrenics and PVC

Between 2017 and 2022 the volume of global trade for these materials fell. The two main components of global trade, intra-regional trade plus exports to other regions also dropped, although with important differences by region.

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Global Trends in Recyclable Polyethylene

The volume of recyclable polyethylene traded globally declined from 2016-2019 but then gradually climbed and is projected to reach 3.2 million tons for 2022. Expanded trade within the Western European region plus rising imports into Eastern Europe from other regions were among the key factors.

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Trends in Global Trade in Recyclable PE, Styrenics, PVC, PET, PP and Others

The volume of global trade in recyclable polymers in 2020 was less than half of what it was five years ago. The amount of recyclable polymer traded fell from 15.3 million tons in 2016, to 7.0 million tons in 2020. The rate of decline slowed markedly in 2019 and 2020

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Ten-Year History of Western Europe’s Trade in Recyclable Polyethylene

Over the period 2011 to 2020 there has been a dramatic drop in Western Europe’s total exports to other regions, an increase in exports to Eastern Europe which only partially compensated for much lower volumes to Asia-Pacific, and, increased trade within the region.

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