Tag Archives: REcyclable PVC

Trends in Recyclable Polypropylene Trade, and Proposed Changes to the Harmonized System (HS)

The volume of recyclable polypropylene that can be identified as traded globally was 862,000 tons in 2023, up 25% from 2022. Western Europe accounted for more than half of the total, based on available statistics.

Global trade volume is currently understated because statistics specifically for recyclable PP are available only for 52 countries. Other countries combine recyclable PP with recyclable PET and other polymers, excluding recyclable PE, styrenics and PVC, that are identified separately. If interested, this can potentially be changed by an appeal to the World Customs Organization.

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Understanding Global Trade in Recyclable PE, Styrenics and PVC

Between 2017 and 2022 the volume of global trade for these materials fell. The two main components of global trade, intra-regional trade plus exports to other regions also dropped, although with important differences by region.

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Trends in Global Trade in Recyclable PE, Styrenics, PVC, PET, PP and Others

The volume of global trade in recyclable polymers in 2020 was less than half of what it was five years ago. The amount of recyclable polymer traded fell from 15.3 million tons in 2016, to 7.0 million tons in 2020. The rate of decline slowed markedly in 2019 and 2020

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Trends in US Exports of Recyclable Polymers

US exports of recyclable polymers fell from nearly 2 million tons in 2016 to 624,000 tons in 2020. The rate of decline slowed from 2018 through 2020 but new US government initiatives to cut greenhouse gases and reduce plastic waste may have an impact.

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Brazil’s Polymer Trade Sets Multiple Records in 4Qtr 2020

Imports of polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and PET all hit new highs during the fourth quarter of 2020, as did imports of film and sheet made from PP, PVC and PET, and even imports of recyclable PVC and PET polymer. Exports during the period, particularly of polyethylene and polypropylene, were at their lowest levels in over five years.

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