Tag Archives: PET

Latest Trade Projections for 2015

Trade indicates trends in global demand. Increased trade volume generally indicates growth in demand; decreased trade volume indicates contraction. Continue reading

Focus on: China’s Chemical Trade in the First Half of 2015

There were spectacular increases on imports of several large volume chemicals and polymers into China in the first half of 2015, and declines on others.

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Increased Global Trade Volume Projected for 2014 for Several Engineering Polymers and Other Products

Demand drives global trade. ITP projects increased global trade volume in 2014 versus 2013 for numerous products, indicating increased demand. Continue reading

Western Europe’s PET Imports from Asia-Pacific Up Over 40% YTD; More Polymer Also From Africa

Western Europe imported nearly 340,000 tons of PET polymer from Asia-Pacific through September, up 43%, based on reporting countries. This volume exceeded imports from Eastern Europe of 330,000 ton through that date, up 2%. Also of note were large percentage gains on smaller volume imports into Western Europe from Africa.

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