Tag Archives: expandable polystyrene

Global Trade in Commodity Polymers in 2024

ITP’s analysis of commodity polymers trade projects higher global trade volume in 2024 versus 2023 for all of the polymers listed below except polystyrene, which is projected flat, and EVA and high pressure LDPE, which are projected to contract. Changes in trade volume are linked to changes in demand, production and shipping.

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Expansion in Iran’s Exports of Liquefied Gases and Chemicals

Iran is a major exporter of liquefied gases and chemicals and the country’s shipments of these products have risen dramatically over the last five years.

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Western Europe Exports to Russia More of Most Major Polymers than it Imports from Russia, with the Exception of Polypropylene.

Western Europe’s polymer trade with Russia, particularly in polyolefins, styrenic polymers and PVC, will be impacted by sanctions and broken supply chains from the war in Ukraine.

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US Imports of Several Commodity Polymers Set New Records in July 2021

Imports of propylene polymers, styrenic polymers, PVC and PET all hit new highs in July on strong demand and tight supplies. Imports of ethylene polymers also surged. Hurricane Ida’s recent impact on US production capability is expected to further aggravate domestic supplies, especially for PVC and styrenics, increasing imports and reducing exports.

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Trends in Eastern Europe’s Trade in Expandable Polystyrene in 2018

Continued growth in expandable polystyrene demand in Eastern Europe was evident from both the region’s higher intra-regional trade and also higher imports over the last three years from 2015 through 2018. For the first time over that period, in 2018 Eastern Europe’s imports from Western Europe slipped.

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China’s Commodity Polymer Trade Rebounds

March 2016 statistics show a rebound in China’s imports of both virgin and recycle commodity polymers. China’s exports of commodity polymers hit a record high.

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Polystyrene – Major Trade Trends in 2014

ITP’s analysis of global trade in polystyrene indicates a 4% drop in the volume of general purpose polystyrene traded in 2014 versus 2013, to 3.3 million tons, and, a 2% increase in the volume of expandable polystyrene traded, to 2.2 million tons. Trends in global trade volume generally indicate trends in global demand.

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Update on US Polymer Exports – Mostly Down

Through September 2014, US exports of polyolefins, styrenics and PVC have either declined versus the prior year or been unchanged, despite the positive effects of increased US shale gas production on energy and feedstocks. Continue reading

Iran exports huge volumes of several polymers and chemicals; imports of numerous products also large

Iran is among the world’s top exporters of ethylene glycol, methanol, para-xylene, LDPE, HDPE, polypropylene and styrene.  Continue reading