Tag Archives: Singapore

Polyethylene Sheets and Other Flat Products: Current Global Trade Trends

In 2014, global trade in polyethylene sheets and other flat products (film, foil and strip) totaled 4.4 million tons, up 2% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was up 3% from the same period in the prior year, based on reporting countries. Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.

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PVC Floor and Wall Coverings: Current Global Trade Trends

Nearly 3 million tons of flooring and wall coverings made from PVC were traded globally in 2014, up 11% from the prior year. Trade volume through June of 2015 was flat with last year, based on reporting countries.  Global trade volume is an indicator of global demand.    Continue reading

Acetone World Trade Survery of Major Trends July 2014 YTD

Much higher imports into and also exports from the United States, increased imports into Western Europe from Eastern Europe and Africa, and continued declines on imports into China were prominent trends in the world’s trade in acetone through July 2014. Continue reading

Higher Polyacetals Imports Into China and Singapore in 2013

A 12% increase in polyacetals imports into China and a 25% increase on smaller volumes into Singapore were factors in the 7% expansion in global trade volume in 2013. Trends in global trade for widely traded products are an indicator of global demand. Continue reading