Tag Archives: Western Europe

Caustic Soda World Trade

A new report on global trade in aqueous caustic soda projects 20.7 million tons of trade in 2019, up 3% from the prior year, based on latest available statistics from 60 countries. Statistics in the new Caustic Soda in Aqueous Solution World Trade Report project higher exports from all regions, except from the Middle East.

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LNG Imports into Western Europe Projected Up 75% in 2019 from 2018

Western Europe will import 63 million tons of LNG by year end 2019, based on projections from latest available statistics. Volumes from Eastern Europe and North America are expected to quadruple; supplies from other regions to rise 22 – 36%.

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Eastern European LNG Trade Spikes

There was a significant spike in Eastern European exports of LNG that largely went to Western Europe, and, a pronounced increase in intraregional trade mainly between Russia and Lithuania.

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Trends in Eastern Europe’s Trade in Expandable Polystyrene in 2018

Continued growth in expandable polystyrene demand in Eastern Europe was evident from both the region’s higher intra-regional trade and also higher imports over the last three years from 2015 through 2018. For the first time over that period, in 2018 Eastern Europe’s imports from Western Europe slipped.

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Western Europe’s Trade in Low Density Polyethylene in 2018

Western Europe imports and exports low density polyethylene as three main grades: conventional high pressure PE; linear PE; and ethylene-alpha-olefins copolymers (EAOC), which is also linear. The trends in intra-regional trade, exports and imports for these polymers indicated a slightly long position for the region by year end.

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