Category Archives: Trade Trends

China Imported Record Volumes of PE, PP, PS and PVC in June 2020

Economic recovery was apparent in the stunning surge in China’s imports of virtually every major grade of commodity polymer in June. Import volume for the month, 3.6 million tons, was unprecedented and raised China’s YTD import total to 15.9 million tons, up 8% from the first half of 2019.

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New Record High on China’s Exports of PVC Floor and Wall Coverings in June 2020, US the top Destination

Although China’s exports remain depressed of many fabricated plastic products that can be identified by specific polymer, shipments of PVC floor and wall coverings set a new record in June 2020, mainly on volumes to the United States.

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Sharp Drop in Global Isocyanates Trade Through May 2020 and Projected for Year End

The volume of isocyanates (combined MDI, TDI and other) traded through May 2020 was down 10% from the same period last year, based on latest available statistics. Asia-Pacific and Western Europe, accounting for more than half of global trade volume, each saw trade contract within their regions, with lower imports.

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The United States is Back. New Record High on PE Exports in May 2020, Much Higher Shipments to China a Key Factor.

US exports of ethylene polymers rose to 1.0 million tons in May, 2020, an all-time high, after slowing to 885,000 tons in April. The average price across the major polymer groups fell to $921/ton.

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China’s Exports of Fabricated Plastic Products Lose Momentum in May 2020

While China’s imports of PE, PP and PVC hit new highs in May, China’s exports of key fabricated plastic products were flat at April levels. Slowing demand in the US was a factor for a number of products.

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China is Back. Imports of PE and PP Hit New Highs in May 2020.

After a slow beginning to the year as China battled the Corona virus, polyolefin imports picked up moderately in March and April then soared to new record highs in May. Prices continued their steep declines.

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